Nurse Practitioners (NP)
Nurse Practitioners are qualified to see patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed medical problems, and to make detailed assessment of their health care needs, based on their combined medical and nursing knowledge, including clinical skills that you may not have traditionally associated with nurses, such as history taking, physical examination, diagnoses, and prescribing of medicines. Nurse Practitioners can also directly refer patients to clinical specialists, such as hospital consultants.
Practice Nurse
The practice nurses are available by appointment only. They carry out numerous tasks which include cervical smears, childhood immunisations, holiday vaccinations, wound dressings and removal of stitches, ear syringing, family planning advice, chronic disease management clinics (Diabetes, COPD).
Nurse Associate
The Nurse Associate is available by appointment for a range of clinical procedures including NHS health checks, blood pressure monitoring, chronic disease management and ECG’s etc. The Nurse Associate can also assist the Doctors with minor surgery.