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Blood Pressure UK

Know your numbers week

Having a high blood pressure often has no symptoms, it can often be described as the silent killer due to minimal symptoms. Having your blood pressure (BP) checked can reduce the chances of a lot of serious issues such as strokes and heart disease. It is encouraged to have your BP checked on a regular basis but, September is the month to raise awareness for people of all ages to have their BP checked so that if there are any issues it can be managed as early as possible.

Every day over 300 people have a stroke and heart attack which could have been avoided with early intervention.

An ideal blood pressure 120/80 yet 6 million people in the UK do not realise they have high blood pressure.

Over 1.5million people have had free blood pressure checks during the annual ‘know your numbers week’. Knowing your numbers from BP, height and weight will help you take the correct steps to leading you to a longer and healthier life.

Where Can I Have My Blood Pressure Taken?

GP Surgeries have routine appointments available to have your blood pressure done. However, did you know a Pharmacist can do your blood pressure. Also, a lot of GP Surgeries do have BP machines in the Reception waiting area for you to use free of charge.

For further information on how often you should check your BP and what the numbers should be, please use the link below

High blood pressure (Hypertension) – BHF